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Accomodation / Housing






Affordability is a major concern for students. Given the massive increase in the cost of living and the slowing of the labour market affecting demand for Co-op positions it is no wonder why. This is clearly shown in the recent WUSA Affordability Survey results which among other things found a majority of UW students are concerned about having enough money to complete their education.  In addition, the recent Blue Ribbon Panel Recommendation and cap on international students means that the University will be looking to increase tuition and other costs to offset its deficit. It is imperative for the collective fiscal health of UW students that students are united and have a voice on this issue. 


This last year I have been lucky enough to get the chance to meet with many MP's and MPP's to advocate for student issues like Affordability, Housing, Food Insecurity, Student Mental Health, and many other topics. If elected I want to ensure that our discussion and advocacy around these important topics continue to be at the forefront of our work. In addition, WUSA should complete its development of new advocacy stances to replace the ones removed during the governance structure. 

Accommodation / Housing

Housing is another item which has been talked about a lot in the Waterloo region. I believe that WUSA needs to continue the work that was started with the creation of the off-campus policy stance. We need to leverage the connections that we have in the local community and with regional politicians to push for better protections for student tenants to ensure that predatory landlords and companies provide high-quality livable housing and aren't able to take advantage of students through the use of key deposits, illegal damage deposits, and unlicensed rental housing. 


Though not the sexiest topic, accountability is an essential underpinning of any elected position. Accountability is crucially important, particularly to ensure that student leaders continue to work in the best interest of students after they are elected. In recent times I feel many students are more words than actions and we have worked to improve the accountability of student leaders. If you wish to read more about how I try to uphold the value of accountability please click here.  

If you would like more information about my platform, Please feel free to reach out!

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